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Z# Duke Chatbot User Guide

Features List

Add todo

To all a Todo Task. Todo Tasks only have a description and a status if the task has been carried out

Add deadline

To add a Deadline Task. Deadline Tasks are similar to Todo task, but have an additional end date.

Add event

To add an Event Task. Event Tasks are similar to Todo task, but have start and end dates.


To delete away a Task


To list all Tasks in the system, sorted by their index number.


To mark Tasks as done.


To exit the program.


To find tasks by the description.


Add Todo - add Todo task to the program

This is used if you wanted to add a todo Task to the chat bot

Example of usage:

todo return library books

Expected outcome:

a Todo task will be added. To view, enter list

Add Deadline - add Deadline task to the program

This is used if you wanted to add a Deadline Task to the chat bot

Example of usage:

deadline finish assignment 2 by Monday

Expected outcome:

a deadline task will be added. To view, enter list

Add Event - add Event task to the program

This is used if you wanted to add an Event Task to the chat bot

Example of usage:

event Shareholder meeting at Monday 2pm-4pm

Expected outcome:

a Event task will be added. To view, enter list

Delete - Delete a Task from the program

This is used if you wanted to delete a Task from the chat bot. You will also need to include the index number

Example of usage:

delete 3

Expected outcome:

Task 3 will be deleted from the system

List - Displays all Tasks in the program

This is used if you wanted to see all Tasks from the chat bot.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

All Tasks will be listed

Done - Marks a particular task as completed.

This is used if the task has been completed and you needed to mark it as such. You will need to input the index number of the task

Example of usage:

done 3

Expected outcome:

Task 3 will be marked as completed. To see full list, enter list. Tick denotes Task has been completed. Cross denotes not completed

Bye - exit the program

To be used to exit the program

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Program will end

Find - search for task descriptions that matches the keyword

To be used to find a task that matches your keyword. you will need to enter the keyword.

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

Tasks that contain the word book will be displayed. For example: Todo Return book